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Wednesday, July 10, 2013

"What iPad Should I Buy?"

At least once a week someone asks me about iPads. My clients wants to know which one is better, the difference between the models, how to set one up, and how to use it in general. Some even want to know what the point is in having one. That said, the most important question that I receive is, “What iPad should I buy?”

The first thing that you have to know is that iPads aren’t one-size-fits-all. There’s a reason why Apple has made so many different models. Yes, the more updated, the better, but even if you can afford the newest models there are plenty of decisions to be made such size, gigabytes, wi-fi or no wi-fi, and so on. 

To end your frustration, let me walk you through how to make the right decision for you.

1.       The Screen: Do you want the small screen of the iPad Mini or do you want the big screen of the iPad 2? Do you want the clarity and speed of an iPad with Retina Display or does it not matter to you? If you want something that can fit in your bag, is light weight, and you have good eyes, then there is no reason not to get the iPad Mini. Unless, you need the gig space.

2.       The Space: How many gigs do you really need? Do you plan on putting all of your music and videos on the device? Do you want to read ebooks? Are you intending on working on your iPad instead of on your laptop? Are you hoping that your iPad will replace your main computer? Are you an app maniac? If you didn’t say yes to all or the majority of those questions then get a 16GB. It will fit enough data to sync peacefully with your iPhone (assuming you have one.) Just remember, the more gigs you use, the slower your device, so you may want to aim for  slightly more gigs than you expected. If you said yes to all of the above, consider one of the full sized models.  

3.       Wi-Fi, 3G, and Cellular: At this point, you have another decision to make. If you want to be able to use your iPad anywhere you go, then a model with Wi-Fi and 3G is essential.

4.       The Color: You would be amazed at how difficult this decision is, but make sure that you can live with it. It sounds silly, but the color of your iPad is something that you and others will notice. If you intend to buy a cool case, then it may not be important. However, if you’re considering matching your iPad and iPhone colors, think hard.

At the end of the day, it may be worth hanging out at the Apple Store for an hour or so and playing with all the different models until you make your decision.

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