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Wednesday, July 17, 2013

Are Hash Tags The New Mentions?

The #Hashtag is a powerful marketing tool thanks to Twitter. Their purpose is to categorize a Tweet or now, an Instagram or Facebook post. THEY ARE EVERYWHERE.

  When you use a #Hashtag you are entering a world of users around a topic, not just communicating to one person. Sure, people want individual attention, but there is significant importance when you communicate to a group of users that are all interested in and discussing the same topic.

Let me explain how the #Hashtag works:

1. Write a tweet: Ex. Eva Longoria’s dress was beyond gorgeous.
2. Placing The #Hashtag: You can place them at the end of the tweet, which is most popular, or if you need to save space, next to a word in the tweet or post that would be a #Hashtag. The rule is not to over use it and be repetitive. 
3.What to #Hashtag: Look at the topics and buzzwords. In this case, Eva Longoria is a celebrity, so she would be good to #Hashtag and I would do #Grammy’s because that is what I was referring to and it’s a big event that will most likely be trending.

Speaking of trending, another thing to know is that #Hashtags become trends.  On Twitter, to the left of the screen there are the trends of #Hashtags and when you click on one, or search one in the search bar, you get a whole host of tweets that use that #Hashtag. If you can get a #Hashtag with the name of your company or product trending, that’s huge. It will make you recognizable on a global scale.

#Hashtag #Socialbflycon #Blogpost #SMM

Wednesday, July 10, 2013

"What iPad Should I Buy?"

At least once a week someone asks me about iPads. My clients wants to know which one is better, the difference between the models, how to set one up, and how to use it in general. Some even want to know what the point is in having one. That said, the most important question that I receive is, “What iPad should I buy?”

The first thing that you have to know is that iPads aren’t one-size-fits-all. There’s a reason why Apple has made so many different models. Yes, the more updated, the better, but even if you can afford the newest models there are plenty of decisions to be made such size, gigabytes, wi-fi or no wi-fi, and so on. 

To end your frustration, let me walk you through how to make the right decision for you.

1.       The Screen: Do you want the small screen of the iPad Mini or do you want the big screen of the iPad 2? Do you want the clarity and speed of an iPad with Retina Display or does it not matter to you? If you want something that can fit in your bag, is light weight, and you have good eyes, then there is no reason not to get the iPad Mini. Unless, you need the gig space.

2.       The Space: How many gigs do you really need? Do you plan on putting all of your music and videos on the device? Do you want to read ebooks? Are you intending on working on your iPad instead of on your laptop? Are you hoping that your iPad will replace your main computer? Are you an app maniac? If you didn’t say yes to all or the majority of those questions then get a 16GB. It will fit enough data to sync peacefully with your iPhone (assuming you have one.) Just remember, the more gigs you use, the slower your device, so you may want to aim for  slightly more gigs than you expected. If you said yes to all of the above, consider one of the full sized models.  

3.       Wi-Fi, 3G, and Cellular: At this point, you have another decision to make. If you want to be able to use your iPad anywhere you go, then a model with Wi-Fi and 3G is essential.

4.       The Color: You would be amazed at how difficult this decision is, but make sure that you can live with it. It sounds silly, but the color of your iPad is something that you and others will notice. If you intend to buy a cool case, then it may not be important. However, if you’re considering matching your iPad and iPhone colors, think hard.

At the end of the day, it may be worth hanging out at the Apple Store for an hour or so and playing with all the different models until you make your decision.

Wednesday, July 3, 2013

Let Your Freedible Flag Fly

logo is a brand new food start up that is fighting for a cause; this July 4th they’re launching a new campaign to declare your independence from food restrictions. This new social network is specifically designed for all of us who are restricted from food because of allergies, or because we feel better when leaving certain foods out of our diets. The network is a unique and fun way to connect with others who share similar food concerns, needs, habits, and desires. Their clever motto, "because food is not one-size-fits-all," speaks to me and I'm sure that it speaks to many of you.

 Here's how it works:

1. Navigate to the site. Open an account - use Facebook if you can because it makes the login super easy.
2. Set up your profile: With the help of the organized tabs, simply locate your profile towards the top right and editing is a click away. Write a short bio before selecting one or more of the food restrictions you have, be it dairy, nuts, gluten, top 8 allergens, vegetarianism, etc. If you fill this out by the end of this month you get entered to win a grand prize!
3. Have fun using the site! It features a community cookbook where you can search recipes for some 50 different restrictions, getting started guides, and a custom blogs directory to help you find ones that are relevant to the way you eat. Specifically learn how to handle these restrictions for kids and adults. You can read their lists of food ingredients to watch out for or explore their delicious recipes. Don't forget about their "TableTalk" discussion forums to share conversation with people who might have different diets, but face similar issues, as well as their numerous affinity groups to communicate with individuals who share your specific issue or dietary needs. Finally, if and when you're ready to share a meal, you can use the recipes search to find a meal that all your guests can eat.

On the 4th, Americans gather to eat, watch fireworks and celebrate our freedom, which is why Freedible, Inc. is the perfect subject for this holiday post.